Saturday, May 16, 2020

Gender Gap In Pay - 1574 Words

Introduction Gender Pay Gap also referred to as Gender wage gap, gender income difference or male-female income difference refers to the difference between the earning of men and women (Victoria, 2006). The European Union defines the Gender Pay gap as the difference between men and women’s hourly earnings (OECD, 2012). The difference may be measured on hourly, weekly, monthly, or yearly earning. The difference is expressed as a percentage of the men’s earning. However, the difference varies from one industry to another, from one country to another and from one age group to another. On average, men earn higher than women do across different sectors and nations. Gender Gap Pay per country i. United States of America The United States has†¦show more content†¦This can be attributed by disruptions that women have later in life especially relating to family life as well as older women who cannot access benefits that did not exist when they started working. For instance, in the 25 and below age group segment, the gender pay gap was relatively lower than the other age groups. However, Cyprus, Portugal, and the United Kingdom show a different trend to that pattern, where employees between 25-34 Years registered a lower gender pay gap than the 25 years and lower group. Cyprus with -0.5% recorded the lowest gap for the 25-34 year age group but had the highest for the 45-54 age bracket at 28.5% and 27.1% for the 55-64 years and 28.7% for the 64 years and above. Czech Republic had 28.5%, which was the second highest gender pay gap in the area. Bulgaria at -14.6% and Slovenia at -11.1% had the lowest pay gaps in European Union in the category by age (OECD, 2012) By economic sector, in the financial and insurance activities, the gender pay gap was higher than all other business sectors. For instance, in Estonia and Czech Republic, the gender pay gap stood at 44.9% and 44.8% respectively, which represented the highest gap in the European Union. The lowest gap was in Slovenia at 20.6%, which was still higher that then the overall EU average. In the Business economy, the highest gender pay gap was in Estonia at 28.9% and lowest inShow MoreRelatedThe Gender Pay Gap1639 Words   |  7 PagesThe Gender Pay Gap PROBLEM Introduction The pay gap between men and women has fallen quite dramatically over the past 30 years though a sizeable gap still remains, but this headline figure masks some less positive developments in recent years. We are used to each generation of women making progress relative to the one before, but this process has slowed slightly with the better than the previous one(Centre Piece Summer 2006). The gender pay gap measures the earning differences betweenRead MoreThe And Gender Pay Gap932 Words   |  4 Pagesarrangements. Feminism has been one of the successful social movements, and has promoted alternative types of the American family. The movement has different priorities in each society, and in the United States one of the issues is the â€Å"gender pay gap†. Gender pay gap is defined as the average difference between men’s and women’s aggregate hourly earnings (European Commission, 2014). According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in 2014 the median weekly earnings for workers with at least a bachelor’sRead MoreGender And Gender Pay Gap1173 Words   |  5 Pages Gender pay gaps have been a hot topic over the last several years. In my findings, I found three articles that stood out the most to me, as well as some statistical information. Gender pay gap is an interesting subject because it happens all across the United States, as well as in o ther countries worldwide. This pay gap can affect women of all ages, race, religion and educational levels. What is gender pay gap? The gender pay gap is defined as the difference between women and men’s full time averageRead MoreIs The Gender Pay Gap?1880 Words   |  8 Pagesthe gender pay gap. Most people who use this phrase in casual conversation do not really know what this entails. It is much more than men earning more than women. The significance of this pay discrepancy becomes much more apparent when looking at the bigger picture. Over an entire lifetime of working, a woman making only 77 cents to the male dollar loses a total of $1.2 million dollars over the course of her working life (Murphy Graff, 2005). A risk of poverty for women living with a pay gap isRead MoreGender Pay Gap2020 Words   |  8 PagesGender Pay Gap The economic issue with the gender pay gap has been a concern for quite some time. Many people say that men are paid more money, or have higher salaries than women; however, there are also people who believe otherwise. Some argue that maternity leave or education level is a reason why women seem to be paid less than men, and others argue that there is a bigger issue such as race and age. The following information will address both viewpoints on the gender pay gap and its issues withinRead MoreGender Pay Gap14271 Words   |  58 Pages* Short Features * Maps/Graphs * Bibliography * The Next Step * Contacts * Footnotes * About the Author * * Comments | Gender Pay Gap | Are women paid fairly in the workplace? | March 14, 2008 †¢ Volume 18, Issue 11 | By Thomas J. Billitteri Introduction Former Goodyear manager Lilly Ledbetter won more than $3 million in a pay-discrimination suit against the tire firm, but the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the verdict in 2007 for filing her complaint too late. (AFP/GettyRead MoreWhy The Gender Pay Gap Essay1692 Words   |  7 PagesVincent (2013) provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis on why the gender pay gap exists in Canada by researching, studying, analyzing, and interpreting over 39 different sources of Canadian micro data and finds that the gender pay gap has decreased over the years but still persists even in younger generations, less than a third of the pay gap can be explained through females over-occupying lower sector jobs, women placing a larger emphasize on non- monetary related aspects of a jobRead MoreGender Equality And The Pay Gap895 Words   |  4 Pages The gender pay gap has always been an issue concerning the work force and those apart of it. Men have always made more money than women no matter the occupation, and pay discrimination needs to be stopped. It s even been documented that women are more active and educated in labor force but still receive 78 cents for every dollar a man makes. 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