Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Attraction and management of Sports Event-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Attraction and Management of Sports Event. Asnwer: Sports event Sport events have always been a point of attraction for various places of tourist attraction. There are places which carry out sport events and are popular among the tourists for the sports. The tourists love to visit these places, which are famous for sports event to get engage in these events or have a look in those events. Most of the places that attract tourists are famous for Olympic Games and World cups. The places where the World Cups are held promote these events as an incentive for tourist attraction (Kim et. al. 2015). There are also participative events in which the tourists can take part themselves such as scuba diving, Golf, Kayaking, surfing and fishing. People can take part in these events and have a real life experience (Wainwright, Cooke and Low 2016). However, there are two types of tourists that visit these places where the sport events are held. One is Activity participants who travel just to take part in these events, while there are others who engage in these ev ents as a part of their leisure. Places with such sports offer attraction because of the challenges and fun associated with it. It gives a new experience to the tourist that has a love for sports (Bosnjak et. al. 2016). Brief Analysis of the Event Sport events are an active part in the life of few people. They are an active fan of sports and love to visit places for the experiencing various sport events. For some of the people sports is more important than their religion. Around 57 percent of the people consider sports as more important than their religion (Weber 2016). Kayaking is one of the most interesting and adventurous sports played in the world (Buckley, Shakeela and Guitart 2014). It is an attraction due to the challenges and enthusiasm required in this sport. It is played with the help of a small watercraft, which is pushed, with the help of double bladed row. The traditional kayaking boat is very different from the present one; however, the new boats are also termed as kayaking (Mission Bay Watersports 2017). It is the most lovable sports for water lovers. It is also the most interesting way to go around the travel destination. The kayaks used in this sports are of various kinds such as the kayak that is suitable for flat water and the other is for white water. The size of the kayaks also varies according to the interest of the paddler and the water in which the paddler will kayak. Ether is also a sit on top kayak where the paddler is exposed on a concave deck (Canoekayak 2017). There are also various kinds of activities involved in kayaking such as diving, fishing and ecotourism (SOUTHERDEN 2017). The travelers engage on kayaking depending on the type of activities they want to do. There are many famous places which offers the best kayaking sites in the world for the kayaking lovers such as the Cork, Ireland which offers kayaking in the Atlantic sea, second is Venice, Italy, third is Berlin, Germany which allows kayaking in Kajak, fourth is in Wroclaw, Poland, fifth is in the San Francisco, USA and New York, USA. These are some of the top six kayaking sites in the world. There are other sites as well in New Zealand such as Hawaii, Panama, and Philippines and in Greenland (The Telegraph 2017). The price for kayaking is not too high and thus it does not add into the travelers Budget considerations. Single kayak approximately cost $15 for half an hour to $50 for two hours. However, during the peak seasons the rate goes up. Tourists can also hire double kayaks at a rate of $30 for half an hour to $60. In the double kayak, also the rate varies during peak seasons. The participants in kayaking are usually single or double. However, it is evident that single person kayaking is more interesting and fun then a double person kayaking (KG Kayaks 2017) Involvement of the Event Stakeholders Stakeholders pay an active role in kayaking sports as it is considered as one of the most adventurous sports of the world. Thus, the stakeholders have the responsibility of preserving the environment of the place that is famous for this sports. Kayaking sports has generated a lot of revenue for the government of various countries due to its attraction. Thus, government is one of the most important stakeholders of this sport. There have been many startups, which has acquired a lot of revenue from these kayak business (Rivera 2017).. The growth in sales of the kayak from 4 percent to 11 percent in paddles and from 16 percent to 21 percent in recreation kayaks is an evidenced the demand for kayaking is increasing at a very high rate (Kayak related products sales growth in the United States 2017). Kayaking is thus adding a great benefit in the tourism industry as one of the most interesting sports event. References Bosnjak, M., Brown, C.A., Lee, D.J., Yu, G.B. and Sirgy, M.J., 2016. Self-expressiveness in sport tourism: Determinants and consequences.Journal of Travel Research,55(1), pp.125-134. Buckley, R., Shakeela, A. and Guitart, D., 2014. Adventure tourism and local livelihoods.Annals of Tourism Research,48, pp.269-272. Canoekayak.co.za. (2017).Welcome to Canoe and Kayak World. [online] Available at: https://www.canoekayak.co.za/Buyers_Guide.html [Accessed 12 Aug. 2017]. Kayak related products sales growth in the United States in 2015 and 2016, p. (2017).US kayak related products sales growth 2016 | Statistic. [online] Statista. Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/496562/kayak-related-products-sales-growth-category-us/ [Accessed 12 Aug. 2017]. KG Kayaks. (2017).Pricing. [online] Available at: https://www.kgkayaks.co.nz/pricing-mob/ [Accessed 12 Aug. 2017]. Kim, W., Jun, H.M., Walker, M. and Drane, D., 2015. Evaluating the perceived social impacts of hosting large-scale sport tourism events: Scale development and validation.Tourism Management,48, pp.21-32. Mission Bay Watersports. (2017).Kayak Hire - Mission Bay Watersports. [online] Available at: https://missionbaywatersports.co.nz/sea-kayak-lessons-hire/ [Accessed 12 Aug. 2017]. Rivera, C. (2017).A start-up folding kayaks into compact cases. [online] CNBC. Available at: https://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/03/a-start-up-folding-kayaks-into-compact-cases.html [Accessed 12 Aug. 2017]. SOUTHERDEN, L. (2017).Six of the world's best places to sea kayak. [online] Stuff. Available at: https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/themes/adventure/67621127/six-of-the-worlds-best-places-to-sea-kayak [Accessed 12 Aug. 2017]. The Telegraph. (2017).10 of the best cities for kayaking. [online] Available at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/galleries/10-of-the-best-cities-for-kayaking/kayak6/ [Accessed 12 Aug. 2017]. Wainwright, B., Cooke, C. and Low, C., 2016, May. Performance related technique factors in Olympic Sprint kayaking. InISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive(Vol. 33, No. 1). Weber, S., 2016. Engagement, Education, and ExpectationsThe Future of Parks and Protected Areas: Proceedings of the 2015 George Wright Society Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites.

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